Tamarind products (Tamarindusindica L.) in Pernambuco’s backlands: an experience of technological extension


  • Maria Simão da Silva IFSertãoPE
  • Ruana Sertão de Castro IFSertãoPE
  • Cosme José Ramos Cavalcanti
  • Luciana Cavalcanti de Azevedo IFSertãoPE




Family farming, agribusiness, fruit processing


The tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica L.) is a tree originally from Africa, from where it dispersed to several countries with tropical and subtropical climate. Brought to Brazil, the tamarind seedlings have adapted very well in several states, especially in the Northeast due to the climate semi-arid. In the village of Caboclo, municipality of Afrânio/PE, 26 plants of this fruit were cataloged. However, despite having a significant number of tamarind trees, in this location the consumption and commercial use of the fruit still does not occur significantly. Therefore, the objective of this work was to encourage the processing of tamarind fruit, the commercialization and the propagation of its derivatives by the community. Throughout the work, the community was trained to deal with this fruit, some products derived from tamarind were developed and, for all of them, a process
flow, standard formulation, packaging, gross cost of production and shelf life were established. After this, those products have being sold in the local market. Liquor and natural tamarind jelly were the products with the best acceptance.

Author Biographies

Maria Simão da Silva, IFSertãoPE

Aluna do Curso de Tecnologia em Alimentos

Ruana Sertão de Castro, IFSertãoPE

Aluna do Curso de Tecnologia em Alimentos

Cosme José Ramos Cavalcanti

Presidente da Comissão de Revitalização de Caboclo

Luciana Cavalcanti de Azevedo, IFSertãoPE

Engenheira Quimica, Mestre em Ciência e Tecnologia em Alimentos, Doutora em Química Analítica


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How to Cite

SILVA, M. S. da .; CASTRO, Ruana S. de .; CAVALCANTI , C. J. R. .; AZEVEDO, L. C. de. Tamarind products (Tamarindusindica L.) in Pernambuco’s backlands: an experience of technological extension. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 105–116, 2020. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v8i1.74. Disponível em: https://semiaridodevisu.ifsertao-pe.edu.br/index.php/rsdv/article/view/74. Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.