Development and quality evaluation of the spirits submitted of different treatments
fermented of fruit, oak and umburana chipsAbstract
Fermented beverages have high expression in the beverage market in general, being increasingly valued in situations where the aroma and flavor of the raw material that gave it rise remain after processing. The objective of this study was to prepare three fermented distilled beverages using as raw materials mango, passion fruit and grape, and evaluate the influence of two types of wood chips (French oak and umburana de cheiro) and three different storage periods (60, 90 and 120 days) in the quality of these beverages. After each storage period were held the physicochemical analysis. It was evaluated the sensory characteristics of the beverages, and compared samples with addition of different dosages of the studied woods (3 and 7 g / L and 6 and 14g / L). The french oak has increased the grade of
"woody" to the drinks, improving the taste, but negatively affecting the color. For the mango spirit, at the end of 120 days of storage, it was concluded that among all the samples, the highest scores were attributed to the 6 g / L of umburana de cheiro chip; to the grape spirit was 14 g / L of umburana de cheiro and to the passion fruit spirit 3 g / L of French oak.
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