Identification and predictive control of the petroleum catalytic cracking process


  • Vivianni Marques Leite dos Santos UNIVASF
  • Maurício Bezerra de Souza Jr Escola de Química



Artificial Neural Networks, Algorithm DMC, Complex Processes


Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) constitute a tool that has recently become used for a great number of successful applications. Its capacity with respect to empirical modeling of complex processes has been stimulating its application in the engineering field. This paper treats the control of the petroleum fluid catalytic cracking process based
on neural networks using the multilayer kind. This process is known by its strong non-linearity and interactions between its variables. For this control strategy, a network is used as internal model for the controller. The conventional model of Lee & Kugelman (1973) was used to obtain data. The stationary behavior was analyzed by bifurcation graphs for coke concentration in the spent and regenerated catalyst. From graphs it was determinate the stationary states expected for coke concentration in the catalyst inside the operation region. The riser temperature control based on ANNs was controlled as well as the dynamic matrix control (DMC). For the tuned parameters, the control based on ANNs was more efficient and conservative.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, V. M. L. dos .; SOUZA JR, M. B. de . Identification and predictive control of the petroleum catalytic cracking process. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 47–64, 2011. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v1i1.209. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.