Respect for experiences and diversity: A study used purposefully for resource teaching in EJA-EPT

Respect for experiences and diversity: A propositional study about the teaching resources used in Young Adult Professional Education


  • Gercivania Gomes da Silva Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano
  • Francisco Kelsen de Oliveira



Orientation Guide, Didactic Resources, Young Adult Professional Education.


After reading the works developed on Youth and Adult Professional Education, we realized that there is a common need for didactic materials developed specifically for this public, since most of the times, the resources used in this modality are the same used with the public of other modalities, without the concern of considering the real needs of these students. In order to help EJA-EPT teachers to have a reference in relation to the criteria to be followed when selecting and producing teaching resources, this paper aims to point out the main elements that need to be present in these materials using the principles of integral human formation. Exploratory in nature and the result of bibliographic research and questionnaire application, this is the continuation of the article by Gomes and Oliveira (2021), which contributes to the reflection on the diversity of the subjects of EJA-EPT and educational policies that allow students of different age groups to exercise their citizenship. The research findings show that the teaching resources for the EJA-EPT do not dialogue with the experiences of the subjects that comprise it, as there is no participation of teachers in the development and do not contemplate the experiences that students bring presenting themselves, therefore, as a reuse of what is proposed in other modalities. Thus, the need for an orientation guide for the professionals who work in this modality is revealed, bringing guidelines for the selection of these resources and contributing to the respect for the specificities of this public.


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How to Cite

GOMES DA SILVA, G.; DE OLIVEIRA, F. K. Respect for experiences and diversity: A study used purposefully for resource teaching in EJA-EPT: Respect for experiences and diversity: A propositional study about the teaching resources used in Young Adult Professional Education. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 314–336, 2023. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v11i2.395. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.