Nietzsche and Belchior, an unlikely encounter between the hammer and the knife.


  • Maria Piedade Santos Bandeira Uerj



Nietzsche; Belchior; Art; Life.


The objective of this work is to make some considerations bringing the work of poet composer Belchior from Ceará to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, in addition to promoting a free interaction between the biographies of these two libertarian spirits. I also intend to demonstrate that Belchior's work harmonizes with Nietzsche's thought in many aspects of his poetic production. In order to clarify these comments, I will briefly address some concepts of Nietzsche's philosophy to broaden the understanding of the issues presented here.

In the aphorism 299 of A Gaia Ciência Nietzsche comments that with artists we learn to make things beautiful and apparent, and urges his readers to be more than artists, to be poets-authors of their own lives. The troubadour Belchior from Ceará, who made his life an extension of his art, stated in a historical interview in the old newspaper Pasquim (I strongly recommend reading it) that “Art is the power of fertility and Power is the power of sterility”. I intend to present in this essay a picture showing that both were philosophers and artists who made their own lives a work of art. 


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- Entrevista de Belchior ao jornal O Pasquim nº 22, de 1982, disponível em

