Pedagogical practice in the teaching processo f Biology of the teachers of the State College of Brumado-Bahia (Brazil)
Teaching Practice, Biological Sciences, LearningAbstract
Pedagogical practice in the teaching of biology must occur so that students can understand and
visualize it in everyday life, awakening their interest in this area of knowledge. The present study
aims to analyze this pedagogical practice in the teaching of biology of teachers at the Colégio
Estadual de Brumado-CEB, in the municipality of Brumado-Bahia (Brazil), where important data
were observed with the use of a logbook for registration, which was intended to to observe and
report the teaching practice in the teaching of Biology, as well as the learning process. In our
research, we were perceived involvement and demand of teachers in the constant search for
improvement of their training and the development of student learning, which made us to observe
the strategies used, tools, methodologies, as well as the difficulties and limitations in all teachinglearning process. We identified that teachers use new technologies as didactic resources, for better
fixation of biology contents, with many a difficult discipline, with many scientific terms, and with
the use of such resources it becomes a more dynamic class and contributes significantly in the
learning process. Therefore, good practice in teaching biology is necessary for teachers to awaken
in their students the investigative action of research during their formative process, developing
skills and abilities in a contextualized way in the construction of knowledge.
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