Geographic space urban, civil construction and the environment: a comparative study of river edge of Juazeiro/BA and Petrolina/PE


  • Clécia Simone Gonçalves Rosa Pacheco IFSertãoPE
  • Emanuel Patrick de Campos IFSertãoPE



Geography Urban, Civil Projects, Environmental Preservation


This article seeks to demonstrate the results of a research carried out based on the problem about the construction in the areas of urban edges of the Sao Francisco river. This problem was characterized on the basis of two questions: What are the implications of the geographical space in civil construction? What are the implications of civil construction the geographic area? This study aimed to investigate the geographic space urban which is located at the river edges of Juazeiro/BA and Petrolina/PE, trying to identify the advantages and disadvantages exist in these areas for the civil construction and aiming to examine the possible environmental implications caused by construction in urban surroundings of the São Francisco river. For development of this research used the methodology of bibliographic research to support and substantiate the theoretical analysis and field research, to analyze the profile of the geographic area urban, a locus, the riverbanks river of Juazeiro and Petrolina (neighboring towns), the topography of the area, the soil types predominate in this area, to look into the advantages and disadvantages of these aspects to the civil construction.


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How to Cite

PACHECO, C. S. G. R. .; CAMPOS , Emanuel P. de . Geographic space urban, civil construction and the environment: a comparative study of river edge of Juazeiro/BA and Petrolina/PE. Revista Semiárido De Visu, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 241–251, 2012. DOI: 10.31416/rsdv.v2i1.197. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.