Nonviolent Communication:

An account of a Didactic Sequence Applied in the Pedagogical Residency Program


  • Maria de Fátima Alves Lopes
  • Larissa de Souza Meneses
  • Jackeline Maria dos Santos Castro
  • Rosilene Souza de Oliveira



Learning, Socio-emotional competencies, Pedagogical residency, Pedagogical practice


The Pedagogical Residency is a program by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) that provides opportunities for initial teacher training through the practical experience of pedagogical work in everyday school life. This program is of great importance as it allows undergraduate students to develop theoretical and practical teaching skills. In this regard, this text aims to present, in the form of an experiential report, the activities carried out during the Pedagogical Residency in a municipal school in Petrolina-PE, Brazil, during Module I, which took place from December 2022 to April 2023 with a 3rd-grade class in elementary school, including students facing social, emotional, and economic vulnerabilities. During this period, activities such as classroom observation, teaching practice, and the implementation of an intervention project based on the "Nonviolent Communication" technique were conducted with the purpose of developing socio-emotional skills in the students. The ideas of Vygotsky (1989), Larossa (2002), Rosenberg (2006), Rousseau (1979) and other renowned authors were used as theoretical foundations for the intervention. Through data collection and the implementation of intervention activities, it was observed that despite efforts to implement curricula aimed at developing socio-emotional competencies, the Covid-19 pandemic has left significant gaps in the education of children who have had to undergo the process of social isolation.


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