Supervised Internship:
Developing Pedagogical Competencies in the Pedagogy Course
Learning, Pedagogical Coordination, Internship, Early Childhood Education, Elementary EducationAbstract
Supervised Internship is an important stage in the professional teacher training, as it provides the opportunity to gain hands-on experience alongside an experienced practitioner, thus enabling the observation of how pedagogical practice materializes. This text aims to present/share the knowledge acquired during the completion of Supervised Internships I, II, and III, in order to unveil their contributions to the reflection on pedagogical practice as future pedagogue teachers. It is, therefore, a descriptive text, in the form of an experiential report, with a qualitative research methodology, as the information was gathered through direct experience and observation during the Internships, which took place in the Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Pedagogical Coordination and School Management stages. We used the experiential report as a narrative to describe the researcher's experiences in a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education in Petrolina, PE (CMEI), and in a school within the Municipal Network of the same municipality. This text is grounded in the legal framework of the National Guidelines and Bases Law (LDB No. 9,394/96) and authors such as Saviani (2007), Larossa (2002), and Libânio (2008). Throughout the text, we argue for the importance of internships in establishing a solid foundation for initial teacher training, serving as a complement to the theoretical aspects studied at the university. We reflect on how crucial internships are for the growth of future pedagogue teachers while highlighting the lessons learned from the experiences and interactions during the described process. In this way, the internship becomes an essential component of our education, taking us beyond the confines of the university and enabling us to apply what we have studied throughout our university courses in real school settings.
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