A Crítica da Arte em Hegel e a Defesa da Literatura em Beauvoir


  • Nathália Cristina Medeiros Maia Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte




To present an analysis concerning the obsolescence of art in Friedrich Hegel's view, based on his aesthetic theory and on his criticism of novelist literature. To highlight the reflection on the contemporaneity of literary and novel art from the perspective of Simone de Beauvoir, who defends the compatibility between philosophy and literature. While the idealist thinker exalts philosophy and religion in order to superimpose them over art, the existentialist thinker considers that the artistic manifestation of modernity - especially, the novel - is as important as thought. In this sense, this article aims to highlight Beauvoir's defense of creative action, in relation to Hegel's contrary position on modern arts, especially those of a romanesque character. Finally, it is proposed to create a dialectical synthesis between the sensitive and the intelligible, feeling and thinking, subjectivity and objectivity, reason and emotion, in order to manifest an approximation between the essential and the apparent, without separating the relevance of the connection that exists between the phenomena and the Absolute Spirit.


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