The stigma of capitalism in the relationship between man, nature and agriculture


  • Joseildo Alves da Cruz Coelho IFSertãoPE
  • João Henrique Cavalcanti de Oliveira Gomes IFSertãoPE
  • José Venâncio da Silva Neto IFSertãoPE
  • Murilo Henrique Alves Pereira



agricultura, desigualdade, ambientais, imperialismo, homem


This article aims to understand the genealogy of environmental problems together with inequalities from a Marxist perspective, and to understand the history of changes in agriculture, to understand the role of man in his conflictual, social and global environments, and how this interferes with interaction with nature and agricultural practices, and as a consequence how it evolved and unfolded, since all the factors that involve man have the same as their connector, the understanding of the economic and environmental interactions that impact man across the globe. Understand how Western imperialism affected the lives of developing or underdeveloped nations and how agriculture is important in boosting such economies, and what are the points of view of the authors that will be cited.


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